How are you able to be so much cheaper than other matchmaking services?

We use technology to help power our matching, rather than humans. Human hours are the most expensive part of the matchmaking process. We put you in control of who and when you want to be matched, rather than spending our time selling our services. We can pass those savings onto you!

Do I need to be an elite/hetero/fit/etc.?

Absolutely not! We created ValleyMatch because we saw a gap in the market for regular people. We believe everybody deserves to find lasting love and we mean EVERYBODY (well, with the select exceptions). We want to make putting yourself out there less scary.

Is there a certain number of guaranteed matches?

Unlike other matchmaking services, we do not have a match quota. We find match quotas incentivize sending you out on dates that might not be as ideal. At ValleyMatch, we put the # of matches you pay for in your court. You can always see how many matches (and the match score) before you pay for your membership. Once you pay, you’ll get to meet with any and all of the matches we have for you as well as any new matches that come up over the next 3 months.

Why wouldn’t I just choose to be a free member?

As a free member, your match score will never be as high as it could be because we haven’t had the time to conduct your intake call! However, if a paying member has agreed to match with you, we will help coordinate the date on your behalf! Being a free member is a great way to dip your toes into the process because you have nothing to lose!